Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Moving to Wordpress

Dear Followers, I have moved to WordPress, because the layout of the blogs here on Blogger don't make me happy. Please follow me at:


Thanks! Sarah

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

I made cookie dough last night...I was going to surprise my sweetheart with some sugar cookies (that I've been promising him before Christmas) this morning when he got home from work. I looked at the recipe at 8 pm...and realized I had to chill the dough for three hours. I initially had no problem with that. But then I was called away to something much more important, and by the time I got home after 11 pm, I was tired and just ready for bed. SO I let the dough chill til this morning, and spend the morning making said cookies for my darling husband :-)

Made from scratch, with love...red sprinkles and all.

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day...I did <3

Monday, February 13, 2012

Disgusted: A Letter

I'm angry. I'm really angry and I thank God that I have this blog to vent in today or else I probably would have CREATED a blog JUST to vent about this.

To The People "Up There":

80% of you sicken me. A man's life is at stake, and you're playing games. You're using his medical condition to be vindictive and spiteful to the ones who are actually the sane ones in this family. One lied when my dad asked how he was, you didn't tell him he was back in the hospital until you called back because you were "feeling guilty". And before that you only called a select few, trying to turn them against the others. I knew how most of you could be after my own encounters with you several years ago, and I swore I wouldn't come back there. There are only three people I would come visit there now. They are the nicest, most normal of the family, and how that happened with them still being around the rest of you, I'll never know.  These three tried to visit Uncle and make sure he was taken care of. The rest of you couldn't have cared less, even the ones he lived with that were supposed to be taken care of him...(you are the main reason he's in his current condition). You selfish, insane, disgusting ones (the rest of you)...I blame you in large part. You didn't go check on Uncle. You didn't do anything to help him. Did you push him out of your mind? Did you forget about him? You all are insane, sick, evil people. This is why I don't really have anything to do with any of you anymore.

And to the one in particular that's always trying to make everything about her, when it's not: SHUT UP already!!! I'm sorry for the medical problems that you really do have, but you are LYING when you say it's as bad as you say it is. You are nothing but a DRAMA QUEEN bent on hurting and destroying those around you. I used to think you were such a great lady when I was a little girl, but I know better now. You're mean. You're a user...I've seen you work. Sugar-coated insults and all. You might have thought I was stupid, but I'm not. I might have been quiet, but I was watching and listening. You don't fool me.

That being said...I am praying for all of you, because you need it. I am praying for myself, so that I don't become bitter and say things that shouldn't be said. I don't think I'm "better than you". I don't think I'm better than anyone. I do think I conduct myself in a better manner than some. I do feel justified in saying what I've said here, because it's truth. Make of it what you will, and, if you don't like it...I don't care. --Sarah

Friday, February 10, 2012


I am not normal, in terms of  how I think. I didn't realize this until after I'd graduated high school. In fact, it was some years after graduation, not so long ago. My brain works differently (I like to think that is the "normal" among artists and creatives). We see the world in a different way; we have unique opinions. Not everyone understands me, or why I think of some of the things I do. I have a bad habit of looking back, but the view has improved. I used to see a life that I wanted but could never have...now, I see those things and that life that I wanted was something so much the antithesis of what I do have, and I can't imagine even wanting anything different.

I am my own worst enemy. I can make myself think that I have no idea what I'm doing or what I want to do. I can see something that gives me a shot of inspiration, and then second-guess myself. I can tell myself that I have nothing of interest to tell anybody, that nothing is new, nothing has changed, so why bother write a blog entry.

I was looking at some art-related stuff online this morning, and I came across the name of David Carson, a graphic design legend. (No, I'd never heard of him before this morning). Really, it was kind of accidental, because I was looking at Wikipedia's article on typography, and he was mentioned as a trailblazer in the use of unconventional typography. Then I found his website and...I was blown away. I could have been intimidated; there was a time when that would have very easily intimidated me.

Instead, I (very pleasantly) found myself thinking that if he could do it, I could too; that he had to start somewhere, and that there is always plenty of room in the art world for new artists, new ideas, new concepts...opinions...techniques...people like me can learn from well-seasoned professionals such as David Carson and his colleagues.

Wow. I just read back over that. It seems a bit scattered  :)  but, I'm not going to change it. That is another part of who I am.

To be honest, I spent a good part of my life trying to change who I was, ashamed, because others did not like me, or because I was invisible. It took me a very long time to realize that those people were the ones with the problem, not me.

I've been guilty of it too, judging somebody based on a first glance, not really knowing them. I've come to know some of those people, and you know what? Most of them end up being really nice and being your friend.

And it still stands to reason today that I shouldn't have to change myself in order for someone to like me. Just be sure before you decide you don't like me (or anybody), or that there is something about me you don't like, that you've taken the time to at least try to get to know me.

I'm still learning, still trying to re-train my brain to think differently, in terms of myself, and in terms of other people. I try to remember when exactly it was that I became all jaded and cynical and judgmental about everything and everyone...I suppose it doesn't matter when it happened. All that matters is that I'm trying not to be that way anymore.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Adjustments and Excuses

I really don't have any excuse as to why I haven't posted lately. I kept thinking to myself, "I need to post on the blog, I haven't done that lately...but I haven't really done much work." I have no excuses as to why I haven't done any work lately as well, except that I've been adjusting to John's new work schedule, and I've been in a sort of artist's block, much like a writer's block. I've been told (and I concede this point) that I have no good excuse.

And it's true. I should have been in my studio, even just messing around and putting random things together. I really do need to get on the ball.

On another note...John and I will be going back to college, and I am SO excited!!! John has decided to major in Religion because he wants to be a Minister~WHAT?! <3 I could not be happier and more proud of him! He joined Goose Creek Worship Center a couple of weeks ago, the same church at which I've been a longtime member. Then he started talking about going back to school; he was looking into all the local colleges. Then he tells me one night, "I feel I should look for a school that teaches religion...I want to go into the ministry." (I nearly fell over.)

So the next day, we decided to go look at Charleston Southern University. We're talking with one of the enrollment counselors when John says, "And I want to support my wife in her artistic passion, so I want to see about getting her enrolled too." (I nearly fell over again.)

Which, I'm not opposed to at all. In fact, I've had moments in my life since graduating high school (and dropping out of tech college) that I regretted not having a college education. But I've learned that there are reasons for everything that happens. Just like I was meant to be with John, I wasn't meant to stay in school at that time, certainly not for radio and television broadcasting. Now is my time. I'm going for graphic design, and I couldn't be more excited about it! Some of my classes will be beneficial to the improvement of my painting and drawing; some will teach me what all the technical stuff on my digital camera means (oh, I'm so ashamed, lol!) and take better pictures, plus I'll learn how to build a website, and I'll get to learn Photoshop (love love love, I've wanted this for so long!)...all kinds of stuff but too much for me to mention!!! :-)

I am a little nervous about going back to school. I mean, part of me says I wasn't the best student in high school. But I'm 30 now, I'm grown. And I know if there's something I want bad enough (and I do...oh, how I want this!) I will do everything it takes in order to achieve my goals.

So, I'm praying that all goes well, and if it does, John and I will be attending Charleston Southern University beginning this fall. GO BUCS!!! lol

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


John started night shift at work this week, and I am lonely and, tonight, I'm in a bad mood. I was going to go to bed early after letting the dogs in, pop in a movie, and do some drawing until I felt tired. I still might. Maybe it's because I'm already tired and trying to adjust to the new schedule that I feel like crying. Is it logical for me to miss my husband when he's only at work? I didn't miss him like this when he was working days. I missed him, sure. But it's different now.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick Post

We had to go to storage today and look for an item...an X-Box power cord (we couldn't find it). John and I came across some more of my art supplies, which he insisted we bring back to my parents house (I'm not fighting it). I was supposed to move my makeshift studio from the laundry room/office to the spare room today, but we stopped by Kitty's house...and that was the end of those plans. It's just too easy to get caught up in talking with her :-) It's good to know we have good friends. The move will be made tomorrow.

Plans changed the other night, and we didn't go downtown like I thought we would, but we still (as always) had a blast with Gene and Charissa. Pics will be posted, most likely, tomorrow.

My husband has started a blog... http://shipyardmechanic.blogspot.com/
