Monday, February 13, 2012

Disgusted: A Letter

I'm angry. I'm really angry and I thank God that I have this blog to vent in today or else I probably would have CREATED a blog JUST to vent about this.

To The People "Up There":

80% of you sicken me. A man's life is at stake, and you're playing games. You're using his medical condition to be vindictive and spiteful to the ones who are actually the sane ones in this family. One lied when my dad asked how he was, you didn't tell him he was back in the hospital until you called back because you were "feeling guilty". And before that you only called a select few, trying to turn them against the others. I knew how most of you could be after my own encounters with you several years ago, and I swore I wouldn't come back there. There are only three people I would come visit there now. They are the nicest, most normal of the family, and how that happened with them still being around the rest of you, I'll never know.  These three tried to visit Uncle and make sure he was taken care of. The rest of you couldn't have cared less, even the ones he lived with that were supposed to be taken care of him...(you are the main reason he's in his current condition). You selfish, insane, disgusting ones (the rest of you)...I blame you in large part. You didn't go check on Uncle. You didn't do anything to help him. Did you push him out of your mind? Did you forget about him? You all are insane, sick, evil people. This is why I don't really have anything to do with any of you anymore.

And to the one in particular that's always trying to make everything about her, when it's not: SHUT UP already!!! I'm sorry for the medical problems that you really do have, but you are LYING when you say it's as bad as you say it is. You are nothing but a DRAMA QUEEN bent on hurting and destroying those around you. I used to think you were such a great lady when I was a little girl, but I know better now. You're mean. You're a user...I've seen you work. Sugar-coated insults and all. You might have thought I was stupid, but I'm not. I might have been quiet, but I was watching and listening. You don't fool me.

That being said...I am praying for all of you, because you need it. I am praying for myself, so that I don't become bitter and say things that shouldn't be said. I don't think I'm "better than you". I don't think I'm better than anyone. I do think I conduct myself in a better manner than some. I do feel justified in saying what I've said here, because it's truth. Make of it what you will, and, if you don't like it...I don't care. --Sarah

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